Water Conservation
- Khairwadi Nala Rejuvenation
From the day 1 of our start MWF has been instrumental in addressing the issues related to water. We have rejuvenated a nala in a village called khairwadi where we have done various activities related to widening and deepening of the nalas. Apart from the activity the highlight of our efforts are about saving of Rs. 6.77 Lakhs. Had it been done with the government standard rate contracts the financial implications would have been around Rs. 7.37 lakh however we have achieved this milestone in just Rs. 70 Thousand only.
- Aalegaon (Bk & Khurd)
Alegaon Nala Rejuvenation – We have also rejuvenated a nala in a village called alegaon where we have done various activities related to widening and deepening of the nalas. Government estimated a cost of Rs. 2.11 Lakhs, MWF has completed the same task in just Rs. 76 Thousand, which means a saving of Rs. 1.35 Lakhs.
- Laul Water Reservoir Rejuvenation
Scientific analysis and discussions talks about the current downfall in the groundwater level across the globe and Solapur district being a drought prone district the situation is worst over here. To address the challenges MWF had taken the task of renovating the reservoir like lakes, ponds and wells. One among the major was in Village Laul. Our Value proposition of getting the work done comes from the initiative of saving money. What was government estimate of Rs. 1 Lakh, MWF has completed the same task in just Rs. 44 Thousand which means a saving of Rs. 66 thousand.
- Kurdu Water Reservoir Rejuvenation
Kurdu being another story of the reservoir renovation. We have put our efforts to renovate two lakes. Madha Welfare foundation’s initiative has helped not only to farmers but also to who are into the job of dairy and livestock development. MWF in their initiative has tangibly saved around Rs 4 Lakhs to attain the goal.
- Manegaon Water Reservoir Rejuvenation
Scientific analysis and discussions talks about the current downfall in the groundwater level across the globe and Solapur district being a drought prone district the situation is worst over here. To address the challenges MWF had taken the task of renovating the reservoir like lakes, ponds and wells. One among the major was in Village Manegaon, Our Value proposition of getting the work done comes from the initiative of saving money. Government estimated cost of Rs. 4.36 Lakhs, MWF has completed the same task in just Rs. 1.30 Lakhs, which means a saving of Rs. 3.06 Lakhs
As a preventive measures and better agricultural development, Madha Welfare Foundation, Vithhalrao Shinde Sugar Fatory and various youth organizations have joined hands to benefits various villages unders the Sina Madha Cultivable schemes. These villages who got benefits because of the joint efforts are Ropale, Chincholi, Wadachi Wadi, etc.